These props are part of a personal project. On this page are some details on making the miniature books and miniature metal lantern.
The books are made out of SikaBlock model board (or ‘Chemiwood’). Most of the little books are completely carved out of a solid block of SikaBlock. Others have covers or details from different materials. I tried out some different methods and was most happy with the results I got from carving the books out of the model board. These books were made to look finished from all angles, so I could re-use them in different scenes.
The lantern here is made from steel and silver soldered together. I could have used different materials and make them look like steel, but I wanted the real steel look and assembling it from steel pieces helped to achieve the wonky look I was after.
Having plenty of silver soldering experience, it was fun to solder something together other than an armature!